Caring, Sharing, Learning

Literacy and Numeracy


Jindivick Primary School’s Numeracy program is based upon evidence informed practices. Students develop their mathematical skills through developing their understanding of concepts, problem solving, building fluency and reasoning to explain their mathematical thinking.

Teachers use assessments aligned with the Victorian Curriculum and current research to plan differentiated instruction that is designed to prepare students to apply their knowledge in the real world.

Jindivick Primary uses a variety of fun and engaging  resources to support students to develop their understanding of mathematical concepts.

Students are able to develop their maths skills through highly engaging problem solving tasks designed to “hook” students in. Each problem solving task is cleverly designed to have access points for each learner in the grade regardless of their entry skill level and is open ended so that students can take it as far as their developing skills can take them. Along the way teachers provide explicit instruction on the mathematical skills required for the task and the students’ point of need.  



At Jindivick Primary School we engage in the most effective practices to teach our students to read. Students in junior years F-2 engage in strong Phonological Awareness learning that provides them with the skills they need to read fluently.

As students move into years 3-6 they continue to build their understanding of texts they are reading by exploring their understanding of words and engaging in peer discussions to share their thoughts and ideas about what they are reading.

Our reading program is highly differentiated which enables those students who are ready for extension to engage in more challenging learning opportunities and provides support for those students who need more time consolidating their learning.

Students receive explicit instruction to develop their reading skills and have the opportunity to work in small guided groups with staff to further develop their skills in reading.


Students at Jindivick Primary engage in a variety of lessons designed to not only spark their enthusiasm for writing but to develop the skills to craft authentic pieces that reflect their own writer’s voice.

Each class engages in writers workshops where students generate their own writing ideas from “seeds” to then develop into writing pieces in their writer’s notebooks. Thejunior years are engaging in The Writing Revolution to support their understanding of writing sentences and building their skills to write larger pieces.

Students engage in an Unassisted Writing task using a common prompt each term, this enables teachers to identify each students’ strengths and areas for improvement. Teachers utilise this tool to conference with students and co-construct their writing goals.